Characteristics noted below merit a
closer look when they are pronounced, persistent or recurrent over a
period of time, or progressive - tending to become more, rather than
less, extreme. The following thumbnail descriptions of behavior can be a
call for help:
1. Confused or disordered thinking:
loss of touch with reality - delusions (persistence of erroneous
convictions in the face of contrary evidence) - hallucinations;
disconnected speech.
2. Obsessions: absorption with a subject or idea to the exclusion of others - compulsions - uncontrollable urges.
3. Inability to cope: with minor problems - with daily routine.
4. Difficulty in making and/or keeping friends: poor social skills - isolation, withdrawal from society - loner life -style.
5. A pattern of failure across the board: at school - at work - in sports - in personal relationships.
6. Prolonged or severe depression: suicide threats and/or attempts.
7. Immaturity: infantile behavior (such
as bed-wetting) - over dependence on the mother (excessive clinging as a
child and continuing dependence in teens and twenties) - failure to
keep pace with peer group.
8. A series of physical ailments which do not run a typical course and/or fail to respond to treatment.
9. Neglect of personal hygiene (disheveled and unsanitary surroundings) or exaggerated concern for order and for cleanliness.
10. Difficulty adjusting to new people and places.
11.Undue anxiety and worry: phobias - feelings of being persecuted.
12. Too much or too little sleep.
13. Excessive self-centeredness:
indifference to other people's feelings, doings, ideas - lack of
sympathy with another's pain or need.
14. Substantial rapid weight - gain or loss.
15.Muted, flat emotions (absence
of angry / delighted / sorrowing reactions to stimuli) or inappropriate
emotions (sharp, inexplicable mood swings - silliness at serious
moments, unpredictable tears).
16.Negative self-image and outlook: inferiority complex - feelings of worthlessness.
17.Frequent random changes of plans:
inability to stick with a job, a school program, a living arrangement -
failure to keep appointments, abide by decisions.
18.Extreme aggressiveness
(combativeness, hostility - violence, rage) or exaggerated docility
(lack of normal competitiveness and self-assertion - refusal to
confront, avoidance of argument).
19. Risk-taking.
20.Lack of zest and enthusiasm: listlessness, sadness, mood habitually down - limited or missing sense of humor.
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