
Saturday, 31 May 2014

Tim Godfrey – Kosi ft. Ccioma & IBK (Download)

With the state of the country presently, it is very important to lift
up our voices and worship God with this beautifully crafted song.

Sensational gospel artiste Tim Godfrey is back with a new single from the forthcoming double album “iWorshop” and “The Audience Of One”. In collaboration with the duo Ccioma and IBK releases a spiritual worship song that would lift your spirit titled “Kosi (No One)”. With the state of the country presently, it is very important to lift up
our voices and worship God with this beautifully crafted song. It is no
longer news that the country is going through a tough phase and the
need for us to lift up our voices and surrender our lives to GOD in
worship becomes even more crucial than ever before.

‘Kosi’ is the follow up single to the song ‘Na You Be God’ released earlier in April, 2014. The double CD album ‘iWorship’ and ‘The
Audience of one’ will be officially released on the 6th of June 2014 andover 5 million copies will be distributed free. Get ready!
Tim Godfrey – Kosi (No One) ft. Ccioma & IBK

Source ( )

Princewill Kalu - 'Love & Grace' (New Gospel Music: Listen & Download)

Princewill Kalu is a Nigerian music gospel sensation who stands out of
the crowd by producing gospel hits of international standard.

The 23 year old songwriter and choir director who is an artiste of Restore World Music, ‘A Nigerian Gospel Record Label', is gradually
taking Nigeria by storm. His radio friendly debut single titled "What Faith Can Do" which was
released in 2011, did not only achieve a milestone for him as a gospel artiste' but got him trending in the Nigerian Gospel scene and rocking numerous gospel concerts .

Few months after the release of What Faith Can Do, Princewill also
blessed us with another hit titled "Love & Grace" a track totally
different from the everyday Nigerian Gospel we hear.

Princewill truly shows a lot of promise and By God’s Grace is ready to
take Nigerian gospel music to another level.

Listen & Download Below:


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Beyoncé, Michelle & Kelly remix popular Nigerian gospel song “When Jesus Say Yes” - Listen/Download

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When Jesus says yes, nobody can’t say no and we definitely can’t say “no” to the new jam - a remix of the popular gospel Nigerian song, ‘When Jesus Say Yes’ - from Destiny’s Child! Destiny’s Child is not officially reunited but they - Michelle Williams, Kelly Rowland and Beyoncé Knowles – have just proven that they still know how to come together!
The song, which is the lead single for Williams’ upcoming fourth solo album,Journey to Freedom, is a remake of the popular praise song “When Jesus Says Yes.”
Michelle takes the lead, then passes the baton to Beyonce, who then lets Kelly sing anchor leg, each singing the phrase, “I’m not worried about a thing, cause I know you are guiding me/where you lead me Lord I will go, I have no fear cause I know who’s in control…When Jesus says yes, nobody can say no”.
It is a common song that we know, but definitely has a fun twist. Download it ( HERE)and get your praise & worship on! Source (
Whats your take on this?

Friday, 30 May 2014

Sure Ways To Go to Hell! (100%)

(This Instructions is only for persons who's choice is to go to Hell.)  

If you don't believe in hell fire, no need for you to proceed because you are already going to hell fire. 

Image Source (Google)

This is not Gods will for your life and may be detrimental to your health,proceed with caution. Sure way to go to Hell; An overview can be summed up in which direction you choose to go. Simply avoid going down the right path. There are actually only two main ways to choose from. 

 *There is the wide highway to hell with it's many twisting turns. 
*There is the straight narrow path that leads to Heaven.  

You need only to avoid the narrow straight one to succeed in your goal.  

To avoid going down the narrow path to Heaven you must ignore the call of God to know Him personally and receive Jesus Christ as your Savior. This call of God may sometimes be difficult to ignore but if you set your mind against Him or just stay to busy to think about it you will succeed. Just keep going about your life doing what ever feels good going in any direction you like, having no absolutes in your life. And simply by default you will be successfully on your way to go to hell. 

They just don't take the time to know the Truth. Just accept every lie as a fact. Its also easy for you to spread lies.  

To point you in the direction of the wide path to go to hell, you can choose of an assortment more or less of the following items : adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries etc

Note: If you do these things it does not guarantee that you will go to hell but you must avoid receiving forgiveness that is freely offered to you though the Blood of Jesus. 
To reach your goal you must ignore the Gift of God and His ways and concentrate on practicing sin instead. Remember wide is the pathway that goes to Hell and many will be able to find it. All these items above are readily available to help you find your way to go to Hell. 

They are easy to obtain and are also very cheap. At least initially they are cheap, later on they may have some strings attached, (but if you listen to your enemy he is saying "don't worry about that now... After all sin can be pleasant and give you momentary pleasure. You don't want to think about the results of sin that will always end up causing you great unhappiness and emptiness. And don't ever mention the unavoidable penalty/payment for sin, it's not so bad. God does not see 'all' and you can get away with it. Oh,... forget that, God is all seeing.... Well maybe the fact that God is all Good and would never allow people to be punished. Oh,... forget that one too.... Well forget it all,don't think about that.Just keep thinking hell will be fun because you are my child"  

IGNORE GOD'S TEN COMMANDMENT No need for long explaination, just go contrary to God's word and commandment. This will also help you to succeed in your goals and obtain eternal damnation. You will rest in peace in hell fire!  

BE COMPLETELY SELF ABSORBED After all, the world revolves around you and no one else really matters. If you don't watch out for yourself who will? (Make sure you you don't believe the promises of God, they may make you stumble and try to stop you from your determination to be Hell-bound)  

 Eventually you won't feel anything at all.  

Do not allow the light of the Lord to shine on your evil deeds or they will be exposed which will be a very uncomfortable feeling and may lead you to see the goodness of God. Don't look at what God did in sending His only begotten Son to take your punishment. His Goodness will lead you to repentance and you will change your mind spoiling your plans to go to hell.  

You may not want to end up in hell if you find out how much the Lord loves you, the wonderful things He has planned for you and what trouble He went though for you not to go to hell. You may even find that you love Gods will for your life. And that may hinder big time your ambition to go to Hell. Besides you would most likely automatically stop loving evil and that would make you stop being miserable - now you don't want that! That's just not what your used to! 

Stay away from anything that sounds like it might be according to Gods will like truly loving others. You might like it. And Do not trust God to deliver you from all your sins, just turn your back on the Amazing Grace of God. Keep trying yourself to overcome sins and you will certainly fail. You then can continue to be comfortably miserable as your accustomed to. You can even blame others for anything you want. Also never ever forgive others, after all you don't need forgiveness so why forgive others? Continue to hold onto your anger and let your anger control you.  

The highway to Hell is very wide. You can worship any thing and believe anything you like, do anything that feel good and it will be acceptable, as long as you don't Worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Great I AM, Creator, Savior of the world and Believe on the name of Jesus Christ forsaking all others. If you let God be your Lord, His Spirit will lead you into all Truth and you won't be able to reach your goal and go to Hell.  


 Always stay at home every Sunday, church is not important. Just find anything good that will keep you busy like, watching movie, playing video games, and enjoy yourself. Its fun... Devil will not be disappointed on you. 

Disclaimer * 
  Note;.. Above, the difficulty of Sure Ways To Go to Hell! (100%) was rated as “easy”, But it may prove to be hard to live with later. You will have to willingly crawl over the Blood of Jesus in order to go to Hell. If you insist on going there, He will try to convince you not to do it, He will send many messengers to you in many forms but He will not override your free will, He won't stop you. 

 WARNING; If you DON'T follow these instructions of Sure ways to Go To Hell, but INSTEAD walk down that NARROW PATH and Be BORN AGAIN believing JESUS CHRIST died and rose from the dead on the third day and RECEIVE HIM AS YOUR SAVIOR and Lord according to Gods will, you will be in great danger of ending up with ETERNAL LIFE FULL OF SUCH JOY AND PEACE BEYOND UNDERSTANDING. And here and Now you could Learn how to OVERCOME and be so Completely Satisfied and Content with God THAT YOU CAN'T EVEN STAND IT.

10 things you need to know about Jesus' Transfiguration

Jesus appeared to three of his disciples in the mysterious event known as the Transfiguration. What was happening here? What did it mean? Here are 10 things you need to know!
The Gospel reading for the Second Sunday of Lent commemorates the mysterious event known as the Transfiguration.
This event is hard to understand. Why did it happen? What did it mean?
Here are 10 things you need to know.

1. What does the word "transfiguration" mean?

The word "transfiguration" comes from the Latin roots trans- ("across") and figura ("form, shape"). It thus signifies a change of form or appearance.
This is what happened to Jesus in the event known as the Transfiguration: His appearance changed and became glorious.
Before looking at the Transfiguration itself, it's important that we look at what happened immediately before it in Luke's Gospel.

2. What happened right before the Transfiguration?

In Luke 9:27, at the end of a speech to the twelve apostles, Jesus adds, enigmatically:
"There are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God."
This has often been taken as a prophecy that the end of the world would occur before the first generation of Christians died out.
The phrase "kingdom of God" can also refer to other things, though, including the Church--the outward expression of God's invisible kingdom.
The kingdom is embodied in Christ himself and thus might be "seen" if Christ were to manifest it in an unusual way, even in his own earthly life.

3. Did such a manifestation occur?

Yes, and it is the very next thing that Luke relates: the Transfiguration.
Pope Benedict states that it has been . . .
. . . convincingly argued that the placing of this saying immediately before the Transfiguration clearly relates it to this event.
Some—that is to say, the three disciples who accompany Jesus up the mountain—are promised that they will personally witness the coming of the Kingdom of God 'in power.'
On the mountain the three of them see the glory of God’s Kingdom shining out of Jesus. On the mountain they are overshadowed by God’s holy cloud. On the mountain—in the conversation of the transfigured Jesus with the Law and the Prophets—they realize that the true Feast of Tabernacles has come. On the mountain they learn that Jesus himself is the living Torah, the complete Word of God. On the mountain they see the 'power' (dynamis) of the Kingdom that is coming in Christ" (Jesus of Nazareth, vol. 1, p. 317).
We thus may have the key to understanding Jesus' mysterious statement just before the Transfiguration. He wasn't talking about the end of the world. He was talking about this.
In fact, Luke notes that the Transfiguration took place "about eight days after these sayings," thus stressing its proximity to them and suggesting that it was the fulfillment of this  saying, concerning the fact that some of them would see the kingdom of God. Mark gives a different number of days, saying it was "after six days" (Mk. 9:2), but these both approximate a week.

4. Who witnessed the Transfiguration?

The three who are privileged to witness the event are Peter, James, and John, the three core disciples. (Andrew was not there or not included.)
The fact that Jesus only allowed three of his disciples to witness the event may have sparked the discussion which swiftly ensued about which of the disciples was the greatest (Luke 9:46).

5. Where did the Transfiguration take place?

Luke states that Jesus took the three "on the mountain to pray."
This mountain is often thought to be Mt. Tabor in Israel, but none of the gospels identify it precisely.
 (though be aware that the gospels do not actually say which mountain it was).

6. Why did the Transfiguration take place?

The Catechism explains it this way:
Christ’s Transfiguration aims at strengthening the apostles’ faith in anticipation of his Passion: the ascent onto the 'high mountain' prepares for the ascent to Calvary.
Christ, Head of the Church, manifests what his Body contains and radiates in the sacraments: 'the hope of glory' [CCC 568].

7. What does Luke--in particular--tell us about this event?

Luke mentions several details about the event that the other evangelists do not:
  • He notes that this happened while Jesus was praying.
  • He mentions that Peter and his companions "were heavy with sleep, and when they wakened they saw his glory and the two men who stood with him."
  • He mentions that Peter made his suggestion to put up booths as Moses and Elijah were departing.

8. Why do Moses and Elijah appear on the mountain?

Moses and Elijah represent the two principal components of the Old Testament: the Law and the Prophets.
Moses was the giver of the Law, and Elijah was considered the greatest of the prophets.
The fact that these two figures "spoke of his departure, which he was to accomplish at Jerusalem" illustrates that the Law and the Prophets point forward to the Messiah and his sufferings.
This foreshadows Jesus' own explanation, on the road to Emmaus, of the Scriptures pointing to himself (cf. Lk. 24:27, 32).

9. Why was Peter's suggestion misguided?
The fact that Peter's suggestion occurs when Moses and Elijah are preparing to depart reveals a desire to prolong the experience of glory. This means Peter is focusing on the wrong thing.
The experience of the Transfiguration is meant to point forward to the sufferings Jesus is about to experience. It is meant to strengthen the disciples faith, revealing to them in a powerful way the divine hand that is at work in the events Jesus will undergo. This is why Moses and Elijah have been speaking "about his departure, which he was to accomplish at Jerusalem."
Peter misses the point and wants to stay on the mountain, contrary to the message the two heavenly visitors have been expounding.
As a seeming rebuke of this, a theophany occurs: "A cloud came and overshadowed them; and they were afraid as they entered the cloud. And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, 'This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!'"

10. What can we learn from this event?

The Transfiguration was a special event in which God allowed certain apostles to have a privileged spiritual experience that was meant to strengthen their faith for the challenges they would later endure. But it was only a temporary event. It was not meant to be permanent.
In the same way, at certain times in this life, God may give certain members of the faithful (not all of the faithful, all the time), special experiences of his grace that strengthen their faith.
We should welcome these experiences for the graces they are, but we should not expect them to continue indefinitely, nor should we be afraid or resentful when they cease.
They may have been meant only as momentary glimpses of the joy of heaven to sustain us as we face the challenges of this life, to help strengthen us on the road that will--ultimately--bring us into the infinite and endless joy of heaven.

Read more:

Earnest Pugh Issues Challenge: So You Think You Can Dance


Psalm 150:4 admonishes us to “praise Him with the timbrel and dance”, and Earnest Pugh has made it his business to bring life to this scripture with the July 8th release of the Top Ten Praise Breaks.Top Ten Praise Breaks
Pugh offered this explanation, “at my live recording for the “A Worshipper’s Perspective” CD in 2006 that I saw the power of God move. I literally had to ask people to take their seats because we knew the cameras were rolling and we wanted to be out of that building at a certain time but it was as though the Holy Spirit refused to leave the room. My music director looked at me and said, `Let God have his way…’ Needless to say the praise break was the highlight of the recording and set the tone for the rest of the recording. From that day forth I vowed to always pause for the cause and render a praise break.”
“This CD will give musicians and worship leaders a tool that can be used when their services shift from worship to praise or vice versa,” says EPM Music Group President Keith Williams. “The CD will showcase a variety of approaches to the praise break from the West Coast style to the East Coast vibe.”


Divyne – All I See [prod by Frank Edwards] Divyne


Rocktown Records first lady Divine drops a new single titled ”All I See”, produced, mixed and mastered by Frank Edwards.


Thursday, 29 May 2014

Music Video: Life Through Colors – ‘I Rise’ [Official Video]

I Rise Image source(

Montgomery, Ala.– Christian hip-hop artists Life Through Colors has released the official video for the song “I Rise” from the “Aftermath” album.
“Have you ever felt like giving up, but then something inside of you told you that you can make it,” asked Rockette, group member. “Listen to this track. God gave this to us and we’re delivering the message.”
The song, currently on YouTube and the group’s website, has been steadily gaining views since its release.
“There’s nothing wrong with small beginning,” said T. Pope, group member. “Even the Bible talks about small beginnings.”
T. Pope, Rockette and Jimbo the Jet, all members of the group, have been pushing the video heavily through social media.
“We’re trying to send out positive messages, trying to be an inspiration to somebody,” said T. Pope. “God is for us all. Keep pushing and keep praying.”

Watch Video via this youtube link Life Through Colors – ‘I Rise’ 


Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo’s two sons to wed this year

 Salvationnigeria - ashimolowos
Two of the sons of the founder of Kingsway International Christian Centre, KICC, Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo are getting married this year. According to their father,Tobi and Tomi Ashimolowo, who live abroad, will wed before the year runs, but he didn’t disclose when exactly.
“Let me use the opportunity of this interview to announce that my two boys will be getting married this   year’ Pastor Ashimolowo said in a recent interview “I don’t want to put out the date yet, but they will be getting married in England.
source ~ LIB

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Keys to Worship That Bring Heaven Down

woman worshipping

Worshiping our Savior, Jesus Christ, is fundamental to living a faith-filled, Spirit-led Christian life. There are multiple worship methods, plans and styles that vary among cultures and geographic boundaries.

The Lord enjoys the diversity of sincere worship when expressed through His Spirit and in truth. Worship should be a way of life, with many facets of expression.
Some worship leaders declare that a certain defining style of worship is the only correct way to worship the Lord, but that is a narrow view of His inexhaustible riches. Music and song are ways we can praise God's name, but the Word says we can worship God with feasting (Ps. 22:29) and with sacrifices and offerings (Is. 19:21), among other means.
Regardless of the method, the act of worship must be in spirit and truth—from our rational consciousness and consistent with the rest of our lives (John 4:24). We don't have to be great singers or musicians to worship God. But we do need to be in a personal relationship with Him and live with the truth of His greatness reflecting through all we are becoming and all we do.
I have lived under the weight of many unhealthy labels in my life. But I have a longing in me for the King of heaven to label me, along with Mary of Bethany, as an "extravagant worshipper" (John 12:3).
Extravagant worship is not achieved by taking shortcuts. I have tried shortcuts to worship, and I have tried to do things my way, but I ended up frustrated and farther away from my goal.
Worship involves the giving of ourselves totally to the Lord. It is neither a ritualistic activity nor a musical emotion. It reflects the selfless generosity of Christ.
Worship is a movement of our hearts, our thoughts, and our wills toward God's heart, thoughts, and will. To practice extravagant worship, you'll need to get good at saying, "I lay down my life."

Sacrificial Worship Pleases God
In the Old Testament, Noah was an extravagant worshiper. Genesis 8:20-21 tells about his building an altar to the Lord after the flood and sacrificing offerings on it.
Noah had just witnessed the drowning of all mankind save him and his family. Yet he was still obedient to God's instruction to offer a sacrifice of praise when they were on dry land again.
When the Lord smelled the pleasing aroma of Noah's sacrifice, He gave us a covenant promise that He would not ever destroy all living creatures again because of one man who offered extravagant, over generous worship in obedience to God's command. Noah lived through extreme circumstances, but he still praised God in the midst of them.
Likewise, when God tested Abraham, He said, "'Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about'" (Gen. 22:2).
Abraham built the altar and then bound his son and laid him on it. But when he took up his knife to slay his precious boy, "The angel of the Lord called out to him from heaven, 'Abraham! Abraham!'
"'Here I am,' he replied.
"'Do not lay a hand on the boy,' he said. 'Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son'" (vv. 11-12).
Abraham was excessive in his act of worship. He was prepared to give to the Lord the thing he loved the most.
David wanted to offer a sacrifice to the Lord to stop a plague on the Lord's people. So he asked Araunah to sell him a place on his threshing floor to build an altar (1 Chr. 21:18-22).
Araunah wanted to give the area and livestock needed for David's sacrifice at no charge. But David said, "'No, I insist on paying the full price. I will not take for the Lord what is yours, or sacrifice a burnt offering that costs me nothing'" (vv. 23-24).
When Paul and Silas were in jail, even though they had been flogged for preaching the gospel and now had their feet in stocks, they prayed and sang to God. Suddenly, while they were worshiping, a violent earthquake opened all the doors of the prison.
Thinking his prisoners had escaped, the jailer was so distraught that he was about to kill himself, but Paul and Silas stopped him and led him to salvation before they were released. God supernaturally delivered them from that prison (Acts 16:23-39).
Throughout the Bible, whenever someone demonstrated extravagant worship, God reacted with extravagant blessing. What makes worship extravagant? It must cost us something.
Worship is an act of obedient faith, even when circumstances offer opportunities to fear. It is also a life of extravagant love for God. Worship, love and obedience are tied together.
As you seek first the kingdom of God and obey the Spirit of God, He calls you on to a deeper knowledge of Himself. The first commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind (John 14:21-24; Matt. 22:37).
David prayed, "Give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name" (Ps. 86:11). Make this your prayer as you serve God passionately with your life. This will cause the blessings of heaven to pour out upon your world.

Love Expresses Worship 
To be a worshipper is to fall in love with God, the Author of love, and accept the love He has for you. God gave you His Word as a living love letter that contains everything you will ever need to get through this life and beyond.
His love is at work within us, filling us to the measure with the fullness of God. If we could understand even an inkling of this love Christ has for us, our hearts would be full of extravagant worship for the One who loves us so much.
The many songs I've written to express my love for God don't come close to what I'm trying to say. But I can demonstrate my love for God by living out my part of the Great Commission and bringing the Author of love to our love-starved planet. I can determine to love others as He loves.
When I was saved I cried and cried in the presence of God. Tears of gratitude flowed easily as He restored my heart and filled me with His unconditional love. Now all I want to do is sing of His awesome, healing love forever.
One of the biggest challenges in life for the mind and soul is simply to accept God's love for you as a gift. It is the greatest absolute in your life.
John 3:16 states, "For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He gave His only begotten Son" (AMP). Because His love is in our hearts, we have the power to love others (1 John 4:7-13).
Loving others is an act of worship toward the Author of love. But until you know through personal experience who God is, you will never know the depth of His love for you. And until you know that you are loved, you can never love others as you love yourself (Matt. 22:39).

Know Your Worth to God 
Many people, including myself, have battled with insecurity, inadequacy and intimidation. It is difficult to carry the weight of inferiority into our time of worship.
Worship is a time to focus on who God is. It is a time to enjoy the awesome authority and anointing that He puts on His people who come into His presence with praise. Sometimes the enemy works very hard to keep us from worshiping freely, but sometimes we simply lack discipline in our thought life.
If we read the Word and keep God's truth in our hearts, we will focus our attention on His greatness and on the value that He places on us. God sees all our inadequacies through the blood of Christ. Because of Jesus, our heavenly Father sees us just as He sees His Son--beautiful and perfect.
God looks at us just as a loving parent looks at his children. My three daughters could be naughty, but I look at them, and I think they are perfect.
Unapologetically, I think they are magnificent. That is the heart of a parent. How much more does God look at us and say, "Oh, they are My precious, beloved children."
When you understand who you are in Christ, a rest enters your soul that cannot coexist with striving and struggling. Just as darkness cannot coexist with light, striving for approval does not coexist with confidence in His grace. And who you are in Christ matters more than what you do.
I was the girl "least likely to succeed." But my future has never relied on anyone else's opinion of my ability.
I'm a testimony of God's grace. The very least we can do is give God our lives and let Him show us the great things He can do through our yielded hearts and hands.
We have been created with the divine purpose of having Jesus as the center of our existence. We were created to worship Him in all we do (Heb. 10:19-23).
Through worship we put Christ as the chief cornerstone of our lives, and the power we have access to in His presence is real. He longs for us to draw closer to Him.
God has cleansed our hearts and made them pure so that we can stand in His presence. We can continue to praise our mighty Lord--to sing, clap, dance, celebrate, get soaked in His presence and be overwhelmed by His grace.

Offer Him Your Heart 
One thing that can stop us from being truthful worshippers is feeling as if we have nothing to offer to God. Feeling empty-handed with nothing to contribute to the relationship with God can stop us from plunging boldly into worship.
God says, "I don't need your talent. I don't need your gift. I don't want all the stuff that you can do. I just want you. I want your heart."
God doesn't want what you are going to be or what you would like to be. He wants all that you are today.
When we worship Him, He is exalted, and our problems shrivel in His presence. Everything about us—the good, the bad and the ugly—is decreased as we focus on Him.
Offer yourself to God in worship. Let that explosion of faith force you to praise His name and offer your attention to bless Him. Through your worship, love and obedience, you will bless God because He looks past all the stuff of life and looks straight at the heart.

10 Men Christian Women Should Never Marry

Men and women
Don't be impatient when choosing a helpmate. God has the right one for you. 
My wife and I raised four daughters—without shotguns in the house!—and three of them have already married. We love our sons-in-law, and it’s obvious God handpicked each of them to match our daughters’ temperaments and personality.
I have always believed God is in the matchmaking business. If He can do it for my daughters, He can do it for you.
Today I have several single female friends who would very much like to find the right guy. Some tell me the pickings are slim at their church, so they have ventured into the world of online dating. Others have thrown up their hands in despair, wondering if there are any decent Christian guys left anywhere. They’ve begun to wonder if they should lower their standards in order to find a mate.
My advice stands: Don't settle for less than God's best. Too many Christian women today have ended up with an Ishmael because impatience pushed them into an unhappy marriage. Please take my fatherly advice: You are much better off single than with the wrong guy!
Speaking of “wrong guys,” here are the top 10 men you should avoid when looking for a husband:

1. The unbeliever. Please write 2 Corinthians 6:14 on a Post-it note and tack it on your computer at work. It says, “Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?” (NASB). This is not an outdated religious rule. It is the Word of God for you today.
Don’t allow a man’s charm, looks or financial success (or his willingness to go to church with you) push you to compromise what you know is right. “Missionary dating” is never a wise strategy. If the guy is not a born-again Christian, scratch him off your list. He’s not right for you. I’ve yet to meet a Christian woman who didn’t regret marrying an unbeliever.

2. The liar. If you discover that the man you are dating has lied to you about his past or that he’s always covering his tracks to hide his secrets from you, run for the nearest exit. Marriage must be built on a foundation of trust. If he can’t be truthful, break up now before he bamboozles you with an even bigger deception.

3. The playboy. I wish I could say that if you meet a nice guy at church, you can assume he’s living in sexual purity. But that’s not the case today. I’ve heard horror stories about single guys who serve on the worship team on Sunday but act like Casanovas during the week. If you marry a guy who was sleeping around before your wedding, you can be sure he will be sleeping around after your wedding.

4. The deadbeat. There are many solid Christian men who experienced marital failure years ago. Since their divorce, they have experienced the Holy Spirit’s restoration, and now they want to remarry. Second marriages can be very happy. But if you find out that the man you are dating hasn’t been caring for his children from a previous marriage, you have just exposed a fatal flaw. Any man who will not pay for his past mistakes or support children from a previous marriage is not going to treat you responsibly.

5. The addict. Churchgoing men who have addictions to alcohol or drugs have learned to hide their problems—but you don’t want to wait until your honeymoon to find out that he’s a boozer. Never marry a man who refuses to get help for his addiction. Insist that he get professional help and walk away. And don’t get into a codependent relationship in which he claims he needs you to stay sober. You can’t fix him.

6. The bum. I have a female friend who realized after she married her boyfriend that he had no plans to find steady work. He had devised a great strategy: He stayed home all day and played video games while his professional wife worked and paid all the bills. The apostle Paul told the Thessalonians, “If anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either” (2 Thess. 3:10). The same rule applies here: If a man is not willing to work, he doesn’t deserve to marry you.

7. The narcissist. I sincerely hope you can find a guy who is handsome. But be careful: If your boyfriend spends six hours a day at the gym and regularly posts closeups of his biceps on Facebook, you have a problem. Do not fall for a self-absorbed guy. He might be cute, but a man who is infatuated with his appearance and his own needs will never be able to love you sacrificially, like Christ loves the church (Eph. 5:25). The man who is always looking at himself in the mirror will never notice you.

8. The abuser. Men with abusive tendencies can’t control their anger when it boils over. If the guy you are dating has a tendency to fly off the handle, either at you or others, don’t be tempted to rationalize his behavior. He has a problem, and if you marry him you will have to navigate his minefield every day to avoid triggering another outburst. Angry men hurt women—verbally and sometimes physically. Find a man who is gentle.

9. The man-child. Call me old-fashioned, but I’m suspicious of a guy who still lives with his parents at age 35. If his mother is still doing his cooking, cleaning and ironing at that age, you can be sure he’s stuck in an emotional time warp. You are asking for trouble if you think you can be a wife to a guy who hasn’t grown up. Back away and, as a friend, encourage him to find a mentor who can help him mature.

10. The control freak. Some Christian guys today believe marriage is about male superiority. They may quote Scripture and sound super-spiritual, but behind the façade of husbandly authority is deep insecurity and pride that can morph into spiritual abuse. First Peter 3:7 commands husbands to treat their wives as equals. If the man you are dating talks down to you, makes demeaning comments about women or seems to squelch your spiritual gifts, back away now. He is on a power trip. Women who marry religious control freaks often end up in a nightmare of depression.

If you are a woman of God, don’t sell your spiritual birthright by marrying a guy who doesn’t deserve you. Your smartest decision in life is to wait for a man who is sold out to Jesus.

When We Use the Word of God to Hurt People

"For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart" (Heb. 4:12, NIV).
Our God has entrusted us with a great treasure —the living sword—"the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God" (Eph. 6:17, NLT). This is a powerful weapon that should be wielded in a manner that brings honor to our King.
Unfortunately, too often this weapon is mishandled. Many have used the Word to serve themselves rather than advance God's kingdom, turning the Word of God into a legalistic document that regulates behavior and wounds the soul. The law executed without the heart of His Spirit brings death.
"For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life" (2 Cor. 3:6, NIV).
Beloved, we must use wisdom when wielding the sword of God's Word. Wisdom empowers the sons and daughters of God to properly use the sword of God's Word. How do we receive this wisdom? All we have to do is ask.
woman reading Bible
"If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you" (James 1:5).
God wants to give us wisdom so that we can partner with Him to establish His plan and purpose on the earth.
Where there is oppression and fear, we can overcome by the power of the sword, bringing forth life and justice for those who are oppressed. Carrying out His decree of everlasting love, we can restore that which has been lost. We have the great privilege of bringing honor to the King by the way we administer His Word!
How have you been wielding the sword of God's Word? Are you using divine wisdom to advance His kingdom? We can call upon His name for the strength and wisdom it takes to honor His name with the sword of the Word. Pray:

Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus, thanking You for both the honor and privilege of wielding Your sword. I want to bring Your favor to every life I touch. I want to release the splendor of heaven here on earth. Now raise and empower me to wield the sword of Your Word with wisdom, bringing forth life and justice, in Jesus' name, amen.
Adapted from Fight Like a Girl (Faith Words, 2006) by Lisa Bevere.

2 Keys to Prayers That Deliver Results

praying woman 
"Then said the Lord ... I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it" (Jer. 1:12, AMP).
Notice God watches over His Word to perform it. This is a key to accurate, effective prayer—to pray God's Word or to pray in agreement with God's Word, for His Word is an expression of His will.
Let's assume you are praying for a person who needs healing.
In 3 John 2, God says in regard to healing and well-being, "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and [that your body] may keep well, even as [I know] your soul keeps well and prospers." According to this verse, it is God's desire that your physical body be well, just as your soul (your mind, will and emotions) is well.
In 1 Peter 2:24, Peter says of Jesus, "By whose stripes you were healed" (NKJV).
You can tune in to many Christian TV programs any day of the week and hear someone give a testimony of praying for healing for a loved one. They say they believed God for the person's healing, yet they included in their prayer, "If it be Thy will." Their loved one died, so they assume that was God's will.
No! To pray "If it be Thy will" when the will of God is known—that you be healed and whole—is a wishy-washy, wavering prayer. Pray the Word with boldness: "Father, thank You that Johnny is healed by the stripes of Jesus. Refuse to move off of the Word. Also, do the natural things that the doctor recommends.
As my pastor used to say, "We're not against doctors, hospitals, medicine, vitamins or orange juice!" The motive of doctors and medical professionals is like that of Jesus: They are working to see their patients healthy and whole.
Several years ago, even before I fully understood the value of praying the Word or praying in line with God's Word, a teenager in another state had been severely injured in a car accident, and he was in a coma. Doctors' prognosis gave little hope of survival, indicating that if he did live, he would most likely be a vegetable.
I felt led to go to a friend who was a student at a local Bible school at the time to pray in agreement for this young man's recovery. Unknown to me, she had a friend in Sweden who was in a coma at that same time.
So together we came into agreement with God's Word from Ephesians 5:14 for this young man and for her friend in Sweden: "Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light." Within a matter of days, both of these people awoke from a comatose state. Then, over a period of time, each fully recovered.
To see success in your prayer life, find an appropriate Scripture for the prayer need, then boldly pray God's Word or in agreement with God's Word.

Tips For Up And Coming Independent Artists

Tips For Up And Coming Independent

Here are some great tips for artistes who aren't signed to any label. It
is necessary for artistes to be well armed with the right info that will
help their progress better.

We got the tips from a US based music marketer... Check 'em out...

Tips For Up And Coming Independent Artists

In this blog you will learn great tips for up and coming indie artists. As a Gospel Music Marketer, I engage with many different professionals in the Christian community and in the secular community to seek out resources that’s trending. One specefic resource and secular organization I obtain great tips from is Indie Connect. It’s a global business club for up-and-coming artists, songwriters, musicians and music professionals.

The following is their recent top listed tips you as an artist need to consider:

1. Study the industry. There are countless places where you can learn how the industry works as well as how to become a better performer.
Some are free. Some cost a little bit.

2. Study general business. It’s only when you can marry your talent with business knowledge that you move from having a hobby into having a business.

3. Find a mentor. Network both within and outside the industry to find someone who believes in you and will help guide you.

4. Network. Plug into the many music-related groups on LinkedIn and just read all of the advice. There are deep and powerful discussions by experienced industry professionals on every aspect of the industry. Ask as many questions as you want, No question is ‘stupid’. There are countless people who want to help young artists not make the mistakes that they did!

5. Learn to book yourself. You have the same problem with booking agents that you have with managers. They work on commission as well – usually around 10%. So if you can’t command a decent amount for your gigs, and you’re not gigging full time, it’s not worth their time.

6. Master your craft. If you sing or rap, be amazing at it. If you play guitar, dazzle crowds with your skill. Never stop improving. Even the most respected singers and musicians have coaches and work on improving or learning something new all of the time!

7. Find your uniqueness. What is it about you and/or your music that will set you apart from the vast sea of competition out there? Once you find it, develop your brand around it. Your brand is the first sight, sound and feeling that a person gets when they see or hear your name. Develop it and then protect it!

8. Build your team. Once you have done all of the things I have just mentioned, you’ll find that the team members you’ve been looking for will start to find you. Interview them. Do your homework to make sure they are a good fit and can get you where you want to go. Ask to speak with other artists they have worked with. Be sure they have a good reputation and the respect of the industry.

9. Be professionally relentless. The world is going to tell you that you can’t make it. If you have any level of marketable talent, they are wrong. There is a place for you. It may not be on the biggest radio charts. It may not be headlining huge stadium concerts. But there is a place for you – a place where you can feel good about what you’re doing for a living, comfortable with the income you’re making and proud of the person and the artist you’ve become.

10. Give back. Reach down and help other new singers and musicians in the same way that you were helped. Keep their hopes alive! You’re never too young to do this. Share anything you’ve learned that has kept you from making a potentially serious mistake.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

30 prayer points to pray this/every morning (Command The Morning)

1. I take authority over this day, in the name of Jesus

2. I draw upon heavenly resources today

3. I decree that all the elements of the day will cooperate with me in the name of Jesus

4. I speak to the sun and declare that you will not smite me and my family this day

5. I render null and void any demonic incantations and satanic
prayers over me and my family, in the Jesus name

6. I retrieve this day out of the hands of the evil early risers

7. Let every battle in the heavenlies be won in favor of the angels conveying my blessings in Jesus name

8. O sun, moon and stars, carry your afflictions back to sender in the name of Jesus

9. Let the wicked and wickedness be shaken out from the ends of the earth, in Jesus name

10. O sun as you come forth, uproot all the wickedness that have come against my life in Jesus name

11. I program blessings into my life this morning. I command this
morning to be loaded with blessings

12. O sun, cancel every enemy of the Kingdom of God in my life in Jesus name

13. Those who spend the night pulling me down, let the elements destroy you in Jesus name

14. I establish the power of God over the heavenlies, in the name of

15. Every wicked altar in the heavenlies, I throw you down in Jesus name

16. I destroy every satanic connection between the heavenlies and my birth, in Jesus name

17. Every dark power hidden in the heavenlies against me, I bring you down in Jesus name

18. Every negative thing written in the cycle of the moon against me today be blotted out in Jesus name

19. I shake off every season of frustration in the satanic calendar against me in the name of Jesus

20. I terminate every evil agreement between my enemies and the heavenlies in Jesus name

21. I frustrate every satanic priest ministering enchantments against me, in the name of Jesus

22. I bind every evil power siphoning my blessing with chaos and confusion, in Jesus name

23. I nullify the incantations of evil spiritual consultants, in Jesus name

24. Let the handwritings of ordinances programmed by satanic agents into the heavenlies against me be wiped out by the blood of Jesus

25. Spirits of favor, counsel, might and power come upon me in the
name of Jesus

26. I shall excel this year and nothing shall defy me

27. I shall possess the gates of my enemies this year, in Jesus name 28. My ears shall hear good news and my eyes shall see good this year

29. I take divine insurance against all forms of accidents and disasters and tragedy, in the name of Jesus

30. Oh Lord, empower me to reach my destiny in Jesus name

#185 Names of God in Yoruba Language (Complete List)

1) Oluwa (Lord)
2) Oluwa wa (Our Lord)
3) Olorun (God)
4) Olorun wa (Our God)
5) Oluwa awon oluwa (The Lord of Lords)
6) Olorun awon olorun, Kabiyeesi, (The King)
7) Oba awon oba ( King of Kings)
8) Olodumare ( The Almighty)
9) Arugbo ojo (Ancient of days)
10) Olorun agbalagba ( Ancient of days)
11) Adagba ma paaro oye (Unchanging God)
12) Olorun ti o yipada (Unchanging God)
13) Olorun kan lailai ( The only God)
14) Ikan lana (Same yesterday)
15) Ikan loni (Same today)
16) Ikan lola (Same tomorrow)
17) Okan titi aye ainipekun ( The same forever)
18) Oba ti mbe nibi gbogbo nigba gbogbo ( the ubiquitous God)
19) Metalokan ( The trinity)
20) Olorun Baba (God the Father)
21) Olorun Omo (God the son)
22) Olorun Emi Mimo (God the Holy spirit)
23) Olorun Abrahamu (God of Abraham)
24) Olorun Isaki (God of Isaac)
25) Olorun Jakobu (God of Jacob)
26) Olorun owu (The jealous God)
27) Olorun ti kii s’enia ti yio paro (God that is not man that could change)
28) Alewilese (He that can Speak and Act)
29) Aleselewi (He that can Act and Speak)
30) Owibee sebee (He that Speaks and Acts)
31) Awimayehun ( He who Speaks and does not change His words)
32) Asoromaye (He who prophesize and comes to past)
33) Onimajemu ( Covenant keeping God)
34) Olulana (The wonderful way maker)
35) Olorun oro (Word), (The God of spoken work)
36) Oba to ti o gbe oro Re ga ju Oruko Re lo, (The God who exalts his word)
37) Olutoju wa, (Our Keeper)
38) Onibuore (God whose barn is full of blessing)
39) Afunni ma s’iregun (The God who blesses without asking for reward)
40) Adanimagbagbe (The creator who never forgets the created)
41) Oyigiyigi (Great and Mighty)
42) Alakoso orun at’aye (The God of heaven)
43) Atogbojule (Dependable God)
44) Alagbawi eda (Defender)
45) Alagbada ina (He that covers Himself with fire branded robe)
46) Asorodayo (The god who give joy)
47) Oba t’o mu ‘banuje tan (God who puts end to sorrow)
48) Ogbeja k’eru o ba onija (God who fights for the defenseless)
49) Jagunjagun ode orun (The great warrior of heaven)
50) Olowogbogboro (God whose hand is long enough to reach at any
51) Olorun awon omo ogun (The great warrior)
52) Aduro tini bi akoni eleru (The faithful God)
53) Eru jeje l’eti okun pupa ( The Most powerful by the red sea)
54) Oba t’o mu iji dake roro (God who commands the storm, peace be still)
55) Alaabo (Our keeper)
56) Oluso (Our guard)
57) Olupamo (Our keeper)
58) Oludande,(Our deliverer)
59) Olugbala (Our saviour)
60) Olutusile (God of freedom)
61) Oludariji (Our forgiver)
62) Oba t’o se’gun agbara ese (God who delivers from hold of sin)
63) Oba t’o san gbogbo ‘gbese wa (God who pays the price for our sins)
64) Olorun ajinde (The resurrected Lord)
65) Olutunu (Our comforter)
66) Olufe okan wa (My lover)
67) Oba t’o yan wa fe (God who has predestined us)
68) Olusegun (The conqueror)
69) Ajasegun (The conqueror)
70) Gbanigbani ni’jo ogun le (Our defense in time of war)
71) Ogbagba ti ngb’ara adugbo ( The Protector)
72) Oba t’o pin okun pupa n’iya ( God who parted the red sea)
73) Olorun t’o mu Jodani sa niwaju awon omo Re (God who parted the river Jordan)
74) Oba t’o bi odi Jeriko wo (God who fell down the walls of Jericho)
75) Olorun t’o kolu Egipiti l’ara awon akobi re(God who killed the first
born of the Egyptians)
76) Oba t’o ju gbogbo orisa lo (The almighty God)
77) Olorun t’o tobi ju gbogbo aye lo (Greater than all the earth)
78) Oba t’o da monamona fun ojo (The God who created lightening for the rain)
79) Aimope ani oje,Oba to j’ewe at’egbo lo, Oba to ni owa t’owa,(The God who commands)
80) Oba t’oni olo, t’olo (The God who commands)
81) Oba t’oni k’owa, t’owa (The God who commands)
82) Oba t’oni k’omasi, ti o si si mo(The God who can close a door and no
man can open)
83) Oba t’ao ri, sugbon t’ari ise owo Re,(The unseen God but we can feelhis impact)
84) Olorun t’o n gbo adura (God who hears prayers)
85) Oba t’o n dahun adura (Prayer answering God)
86) Olorun t’ape t’o n je (The God that you can call and he will answer)
87) Oba t’o n dahun adura pelu ina (God that answered by fire)
88) Eleda (Creator)
89) Akoda aye (The first among all things)
90) Aseda orun (He established the heavens)
91) Oba t’o fi’di aye s’ole s’ori omi ( He who established the earth on waters)
92) Oba t’o mo wa (The Potter)
93) Oba t’o mo wa ( He that knoweth us)
94) Oba t’o mo ohun gbogbo (The all knowing God)
95) Olorun t’o le se ohun gbogbo (God who can do all things)
96) Oba ti ohun gbogbo nbe n’ikawo Re
97) (God who has the whole world in his hand)
98) Oba ti ntu won ka nibi ti won nti da’na iro (He who causes confusion in
the camp of the enemy)
99) Atererekariaye (He spreads out across the earth)
100) Eletigb’aroye (The great hear that hears all over the world)
101)Alatilehin (Our succor)
102) Alaanu (Merciful God)
103) Oba ti aanu Re duro lailai,(God whose mercies endureth for ever)
104) Oba alade alafia,(The Prince of peace)
105) Oloore ofe,(The gracious god)
106) Olorun ife,(The God of Love)
107) Olorun ayo,(The God that gives Joy)
108) Olutunu,(Comforter)
109) Olubukun,(The blessed God)
110) Onise iyanu,(Miracle worker)
111) Onise ara,(Wonderful)
112) Onise nla,(Great God)
113) Mimo, Mimo, Mimo,(Holy! Holy! Holy)
114) Oba t’o ninu mimo,(Righteous God)
115) Oba alaya funfun,(Immaculate God)
116) Ologo meta, (The Trinity)
117) Olotito,(The Truthful)
118) Olododo,(The Truthful)
119) Iye,(Resurrection)
120) Aduro gboingboin lehin asotito,(Defender of the Truthful)
121) Imole ninu okunkun aye,(The light in darkness)
122) Alagbara l’orun ati l’aye,(Mighty in heaven and on the earth)
123) Oba ti nyoni kuro ninu ofin aye,(God who rescues from the dungeon)
124) Atofarati,(Our defense)
125) Atogbokanle,(The trustworthy God)
126) Atofokante (Our Confidant)
127) Adunbarin,(Worthy to walk with)
128) Adunbalo, (Worthy to follow)
129) Adunkepe,(God you can call on)
130) Apata ayeraye,(The rock of ages)
131) Atobiju,(The Almighty)
132) Atofarati bi oke,(Our support and defense)
133) Apata wa,(Our rock of Ages)
134) Odi wa,(Our shield)
135) Alabarin aye wa, (Our companion)
136) Olupese,(Our provider)
137) Olugbega,(The lifter of our head)
138) Oluranlowo,(Our help)
139) Ireti wa,(Our hope)
140) Olu aye,(God on earth)
141) Olu orun,(God in heaven)
142) Oba ti gbobo oba nt’owo Re gb’ase,(Kings from whom kings take directives)
143) Adakedajo, (He who Judges silently)
144) Adajo ma fi t’enikan se,(The just Judge)
145) Oba ti kii s’ojusaju,(The just God)
146) Oba t’enikan o le pe l’ejo,(The king that can not be judged)
147) Oba aseyiowu,(Unquestionable God)
148) Oba tii s’agan d’olomo,(The god who opens the womb of the barren)
149) Atorise,(God who can turn bad situation to good)
150) Arinu r’ode,(God who sees the visible an the invisible)
151) Olumoranokan eda, (He who sees the intent of the heart of man)
152) Oludamoran (The Great adviser)
153) Baba wa,(Abba father)
154) Ore wa,(Our friend)
155) Ibi isadi wa,((Our refugee)
156) Aabo wa,(our protector)
157) Oluwosan,(the healer)
158) Asoku d’alaye,(He who brings the dead to life)
159) Olorun alaaye,(God of the living)
160) Oba ti n p’ojo iku da,(God who can change appointment with death)
161) Oba ti emi gbogbo enia wa l’owo Re,( He who has the keys to our existence)
162) Oba ti nti t’enikan o lesi,(He who shuts and no one can open)
163) Oba ti nsi t’enikan o leti,(He who opens and no one can close)
164) Awamaridi,(Unsearchable God)
165) Eleruniyin,Abetilukara bi ajere,(God who is all ears)
166) Aiku,(Living God)
167) Oba ti ki sun, ti ki togbe (The king that neither sleeps nor slumbers)
168) Oba onise nla,(The great worker of good)
169) Onigbonwo wa, (Our sponsor)
170) Olorun pipe,(Perfect God)
171) Olorun rere,(Good God)
172) Akiri s’ore,(He who goes about doing good)
173) Gbongbo idile Jesse,(The root of the tribe of Jesse)
174) Oba t’o f’oro da ile aye,(He that created all things by his spoken word)
175) Oba to ti wa k’aye o towa,(He who was in existence before creation)
176) Oba ti o ma wa nigba t’aye o ni si mo,(He who will remain at the end of all things)
177) Oloruko nla,(The great name)
178) Ologojulo,(The glorious God)
179) Emi ni ti nje Emi ni,(I am the I am)
180) Oba t’oni gbogbo ope,(He who deserves all praise)
181) Olorun t’oni gbogbo iyin,(He who deserves all honour)
182) Oba ti ko ni pin ogo Re pel’enikankan,(God that does not share his glory with any man)
183) Oba t’o ti wa, t’o si wa, ti o si ma wa lailai, (The God that was, that
is and will remain for ever)
184) Ibere ati opin, (The Alpha and omega)
185) OBA AKIKITAN, (Eternity will not be enough to praise and honour you,O Lord).

Father We Declare That We Love You

This is a spirit lifting song and will help you put yourself together in God's presence.
Sing it tonight, tomorrow morning and evening anywhere and you will be filled with The Spirit of God.

"And we will say that You are good
And all the miracles You've done
Have brought us joy, for we are changed
And all the hope we have
We place in You right now Father we declare that we love You
We declare our everlasting love for You (2x)

Praiseworld Radio Brings the "Praise Party" As they Celebrate Anniversary

EXCLUSIVE ::: Praiseworld Radio Brings the "Praise Party" As they
Celebrate Anniversary As a climax to celebrations marking her 2nd anniversary, Praiseworld
Radio, Africa's number one online gospel radio station will host her
fans and family to a Praise Party next Sunday June 1, 2014.

Christened “Praise Party: The Birthday edition”, the event is billed to
gather listeners of Praiseworld Radio, OAPs/DJs and the entire
Praiseworld team, as well as various gospel artistes to celebrate God's
goodness in the past two years. "God has been so faithful to us in the last two years. He has used us as
a tool to bless lives of people across the world, and we are grateful for
this. I believe it’s a good time to celebrate God’s glory along with the dear
Praiseworld family, hence the Praise Party” – Olutola Omoniyi, Head of
The Praiseworld Team Praise Party makes a return to Lagos after the last history-making
edition held in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital. The event will feature great DJ mixes churned out by Praiseworld
Radio’s in-house DJs and guest DJs, a lot of dance, social networking
with members of the Praiseworld team and a hang-out with a host of
your favorite gospel artistes and celebrities.

Come party with Praiseworld Radio at The Praise Party Birthday
edition on Sunday June 1st at THE MANIFOLD PLACE, 85, IKORODY
ROAD, FADEYI BUS STOP, LAGOS. The event will kick off at 3PM with a
red carpet special. Praise Party (Birthday Edition) is powered by Praiseworld Radio and
sponsored by The Manifold Place, X2D TV and SumptiouslyUrs. Further details for this event can be obtained via Twitter @
PRAISEWORLD_, Facebook - Praiseworld Radio and instagram @

Praiseworld Radio, Africa’s #1 Online Gospel Radio station based in
Lagos, Nigeria was officially launched on June 1, 2012 and is dedicated
to broadcasting pure urban gospel content round the clock. You can tune in to PRAISEWORLD RADIO from anywhere around the
world by logging on to with any
internet enabled devices – Laptops, PCs, as well as mobile smartphones
by downloading the mobile app from your app store.

Jesus Is ALWAYS With You - This Will Make You Cry!

Watch this video if you have not watched it before.
After watching this video your doubts will be cleared. This great video will
help remind you that even though you may not be able to "see" Jesus
with your eyes, He is with you every step of the way--rejoicing in
happiness along side you and wiping away your tears when you are

How to fight/defeat temptation

Temptation will be an ongoing problem for believer and non-believer
alike until Jesus returns and completes his victory over sin. The first thing to note is that temptation is not sin nor is temptation a sign of weakness. Temptation becomes sin, however, if we do not
deal with it properly. It is how we deal with temptation that will
determine whether we fall into sin or not. So until he returns, I think
the Bible gives us 3 strategies for dealing with temptation - Praying,
reading & fleeing

Praying - Jesus teaches us in the Lord’s Prayer to pray against temptation and the work of Satan [Matt 6:13]. As our heavenly Father he delights in us coming to him and answering our prayers. So we
should pray that he would strengthen us against tempting and
testing situations, that he would protect from tempting and trials that
we cannot bear.
We should pray that God would deliver us from
Satan and his schemes to bring us down and undermine our faith.

Reading [the Bible] - When Jesus was tempted in the desert by Satan, Jesus response was to revert to the scriptures. He knew the Word of
God and was able to use in his spiritual battle against Satan. For us,
knowing the Bible helps us to know what is good, godly and right
and what is wrong, ungodly and sinful. More importantly, knowing
the Bible helps us to know how to deal with tempting and testing
situations when we are faced with them.

Fleeing - The Bible tells us to flee from situations where we are tempted. Flee sexual immortality [1 Cor 6:18]; flee from the love of money [1 Tim 6:11] and flee evil desires of your youth [2 Tim 2:22]. We can make it hard for ourselves if we sail as close as we can to
temptation and sin, trying to test our resolve or strength. Put barriers
in place that mean we won’t face temptation, or at least face it less
For example, if sexual temptation is an issue, don’t meet up 1 on 1
with people of opposite sex. Be proactive; put strategies in place to
keep temptation at bay.
The Christian life is one of ongoing transformation as God shapes and
moulds us to become more like Jesus [Rom 8:28-29]. Some things will change quickly others will be a lifelong process of obedience,
perseverance and repentance. Until Jesus returns we will never be
perfect, and so sin will continue to be part of the Christian experience. Galatians 5:16-26 speaks of the ongoing struggle it is to be godly.
However, the Bible assures us that Christ died for ALL our sins, and so
there is forgiveness for those who are genuinely repentant and seek
to follow him. [1 John 1:8-2:2; Joel 2:12]

Helpful? Why not share it!

Monday, 26 May 2014

Quote of the day

"Happiness is a journey, not a destination"

"The answer to ur questions is in another man's story, another man's
testimony & written in another man's victory"

"The worst feeling is aving no one to share ur feelings"

"Life is all about making someone smile, at least once in a while"

"Failure is not when you fail, its when you FAIL for SURE"

"To you today dosen't matter, but tomorow will tell how important
today is"

Cure Diabetes with Nigeria natural method

Do you urinate constantly ? Or you noticed any symptoms of diabetes?

Never panic God is by your side.
With the aid of some mixtures you can be healed to the Glory of God.
''Everything works together to those that loves God''


Collect bitter leave, scent leave and squeese with little water, filter and glind garlic onion in it.

To be taken every morning and evening for ONE MONTH diabetes and its syptoms will disappear.

Note: Prepare for each day.

Then goto church and testify!

Why is there evil?

I know it is almost impossible, and
this might sound like an immature question
but the truth is why? Why do people in the
world rely so much on war and killing in order
to be at the top of the world. Killing of the innocent souls never seems to have a terminal in this country especially the northern part of this country. We are tired!

May our God save us!

What If You Died Today?

Let me ask you a question…
Do you know for sure where you would spend your eternity if you died today?
Are you living in this world to get rich or die trying?

(rich in money, rich in relationships, rich in fame, rich in possessions, rich in power, etc...)

Some people say they’re scared to die. Some say they’re ready to die. Regardless of that, almost everyone wants to go to Heaven. Despite of what they’re hoping Heaven will be like, all people want to get there.They want heaven because they hear it’s a “better place” or a place where “dreams come true.” The truth is that it's infinitely and incomprehensibly better.In fact, there’s no pain, no suffering, and no death in Heaven. There’s even no need for church buildings because everyone is there with God forever. We will be face-to-face with the Creator of everything and everyone we have ever known and loved here on earth.

So how do we get to Heaven?
God requires us to be perfect.
So, are you perfect? Five things to remember about living the new life in Christ


Characteristics noted below merit a closer look when they are pronounced, persistent or recurrent over a period of time, or progressive - tending to become more, rather than less, extreme. The following thumbnail descriptions of behavior can be a call for help:

1. Confused or disordered thinking: loss of touch with reality - delusions (persistence of erroneous convictions in the face of contrary evidence) - hallucinations; disconnected speech.

2. Obsessions: absorption with a subject or idea to the exclusion of others - compulsions - uncontrollable urges.

3. Inability to cope: with minor problems - with daily routine.

4. Difficulty in making and/or keeping friends: poor social skills - isolation, withdrawal from society - loner life -style.

5. A pattern of failure across the board: at school - at work - in sports - in personal relationships.

6. Prolonged or severe depression: suicide threats and/or attempts.

7. Immaturity: infantile behavior (such as bed-wetting) - over dependence on the mother (excessive clinging as a child and continuing dependence in teens and twenties) - failure to keep pace with peer group.

8. A series of physical ailments which do not run a typical course and/or fail to respond to treatment.

9. Neglect of personal hygiene (disheveled and unsanitary surroundings) or exaggerated concern for order and for cleanliness.

10. Difficulty adjusting to new people and places.

11.Undue anxiety and worry: phobias - feelings of being persecuted.

12. Too much or too little sleep.

13. Excessive self-centeredness: indifference to other people's feelings, doings, ideas - lack of sympathy with another's pain or need.

14. Substantial rapid weight - gain or loss.

15.Muted, flat emotions (absence of angry / delighted / sorrowing reactions to stimuli) or inappropriate emotions (sharp, inexplicable mood swings - silliness at serious moments, unpredictable tears).

16.Negative self-image and outlook: inferiority complex - feelings of worthlessness.

17.Frequent random changes of plans: inability to stick with a job, a school program, a living arrangement - failure to keep appointments, abide by decisions.

18.Extreme aggressiveness (combativeness, hostility - violence, rage) or exaggerated docility (lack of normal competitiveness and self-assertion - refusal to confront, avoidance of argument).

19. Risk-taking.

20.Lack of zest and enthusiasm: listlessness, sadness, mood habitually down - limited or missing sense of humor.

Revealed about Demons; are possessed or not?

Many today seem to be fascinated with demons. The Bible does present demons as being real (see Luke 4: 33-36 below). Where did demons originate, what was their purpose, and do they possess people against their own will today? The growth of the occult has also prompted more interest in the demon world. Movies such as the Exorcist and Exorcist Two (ca. 1974 and '77) created almost a cult following. Demons represent the dark side, the opposite of good; hence, the obsession.

     "33: And in the synagogue there was a man, which had a spirit of an unclean devil, and cried out with a loud voice, 34: Saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art; the Holy One of God. 35: And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him. And when the devil had thrown him in the midst, he came out of him, and hurt him not. 36: And they were all amazed, and spake among themselves, saying, What a word is this! for with authority and power he commandeth the unclean spirits, and they come out. 37: And the fame of him went out into every place of the country round about" (Luke. 4).

     Who or what are demons?  
Some view demons as simply the personification of evil; hence, they are not entities. However, in the above passage it is apparent demons were (are) entities. It was a common belief among the Jews of the First Century that demons were the spirits of the wicked that entered into men. Some early beliefs relative to demons have continued until this present day. Some believe demons were (are) the offspring of angels marrying women; others contend that demons are the disembodied spirits of the inhabitants of a pre-Adamic earth; and some maintain angels are fallen angels (Gen. 6: 4; 2 Pet. 2: 4). Regarding the first three views, there is no scriptural evidence. In fact, the scriptures will not allow such explanations as being even plausible. Concerning the fourth view, it is highly likely that demons are fallen angels who were allowed to work their deeds during a special period (2 Pet. 2: 4, Jude 6).
     It should be understood that while demons and the devil are associated, demons and the devil are separate and distinct entities. It is unfortunate that some Translations will render "demons" (Gk. diamon) "devils" (see King James in James 2: 19, it should be rendered "demons" ). For more definition and clarification, please consider the observations of lexicographer W. E. Vine:

     "Noun, daimon '…a demon,' signified, among pagan Greeks, an inferior deity, whether good or bad. In the NT it denotes 'an evil spirit.' It is used in Matt. 8:31, mistranslated 'devils.' Some would derive the word from a root da---, meaning 'to distribute.' More probably it is from a similar root da---, meaning 'to know,' and hence means 'a knowing one.'
     "Noun, daimonion …not a diminutive of daimon, No. 1, but the neuter of the adjective daimonios, pertaining to a demon, is also mistranslated 'devil,' 'devils.' In Acts 17:18, it denotes an inferior pagan deity…. They disseminate errors among men, and seek to seduce believers, 1 Tim. 4:1…. 'Demons' tremble before God, Jas. 2:19; they recognized Christ as Lord and as their future Judge, Matt. 8:29; Luke 4:41. Christ cast them out of human beings by His own power. His disciples did so in His name, and by exercising faith, e.g., Matt. 17:20. Acting under Satan (cp. Rev. 16:13,14), 'demons' are permitted to afflict with bodily disease, Luke 13:16. Being unclean they tempt human beings with unclean thoughts, Matt. 10:1; Mark 5:2; 7:25; Luke 8:27-29; Rev. 16:13; 18:2, e.g. They differ in degrees of wickedness, Matt. 12:45. They will instigate the rulers of the nations at the end of this age to make war against God and His Christ, Rev. 16:14. See DEVIL" (Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words).

     The nature of demons.
There are many characteristics of demons found in the New Testament. Demons are said to be evil (Lk. 7: 21, 8: 2). As seen in Vine's statements, some demons are worse and stronger than other demons, comparatively speaking (Matt. 12: 45, 43; Mk. 9: 17-29). During the age of demon possession, demons were able to come and go out of a person at will (Lk. 11: 24, 25). They were also able to take possession of animals (Mk. 5: 13). Demons were able to speak out through the mouth of the one whom they possessed, the demoniac (Lk. 4: 33-36). The fact demons possessed knowledge is seen in their recognition of Jesus as the Son of God and they knew their destiny (Mk. 5: 7, Matt. 8: 29). Demons are said to have dwelt in desolate regions. We read of them being in the mountains, among the tombs, and in dry, waterless places (Mk. 5: 5; Mk. 5: 2; Lk. 11: 24).

     Demons during the New Testament age (First Century).
It was during the First Century that demons obviously experienced their greatest freedom and activity. Demons suppressed and possessed many. It was during this time that Satan reigned predominantly. Demons possessed men, women, a boy, and a girl (Matt. 4: 24; Lk. 8: 2; Lk. 9: 38, 39; Mk. 7: 25).
     Demons affected those whom they possessed in different ways. They caused some to be dumb (unable to speak); they caused blindness; inability to hear; to be savage; to possess superhuman strength; and to appear insane (Matt. 9: 32, 33; Matt. 12: 22; Mk. 9: 25; Matt. 8: 28; Mk. 5: 2-4; Mk. 5: 5).

     Do demons or evil spirits possess people today?
There is no doubt that many are under the control of the devil (cp. 2 Tim. 2: 24-26). However, the scriptures teach that if we resist the devil, he will flee (Jas. 4: 7). Hence, our question pertains to the uninvited and severe bodily indwelling of demons. An important verse in determining the answer to our question is Luke 10: 18. "…I beheld Satan," Jesus said to his disciples, "as lighting fall from heaven." Jesus' statement clearly has reference to a defeat of Satan and the lessening of his powers. The text or frame of reference of Jesus' statement has to do with "even the demons are subject unto us through thy name" (vs. 17). The seventy thus commissioned were given power over the demonic world, to cast out demons. I, therefore, understand the kind and type of demon possession of which we read in the New Testament to have been of a limited duration, just as miraculous abilities were limited in their time frame (I Cor. 13: 8-10). Demon possession would not continue pass the time of the miraculous means of delivery (Click on "Have Miracles Ceased?" to read more). Notice some germane comments by commentator Albert Barnes on Colossians 2: 15 ("And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it"):

     "The 'principalities and powers' here referred to are the formidable enemies that had held man in subjection, and prevented his serving God. There can be no doubt, I think, that the apostle refers to the ranks of fallen, evil spirits which had usurped a dominion over the world. The Savior, by his death, wrested the dominion from them, and seized upon that they had captured as a conqueror seizes upon his prey. Satan and his legions had invaded the earth and drawn its inhabitants into captivity, and subjected them to their evil reign. Christ, by his death, subdues the invaders and recaptures those whom they had subdued" (Barnes on the New Testament, Vol. 7, pg. 266).

     Man's bondage to Satan today is voluntary and connected with man's association with the truth. Jesus said, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (Jn. 8: 32). Whosoever wills to serve God may do so (Jn. 7: 17, 3: 16). We either serve God or mammon (Matt. 6: 24). In scriptural baptism, the "old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin" (Rom. 6: 6, see entire chapter). The First Century is unique in that never before or after has there been this kind or amount of demon activity so manifest. It is evident that the world of evil spirits were allowed this unprecedented freedom so Jesus' Sonship could be clearly demonstrated (cp. Mk. 5: 1-20, Lk. 10: 18).